How to ‘talk to the channel’ in multichannel marketing

How to ‘talk to the channel’ in multichannel marketing Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads Multichannel marketing may sound like the latest buzzword, but it’s actually a strategy that makes sense, given all the choices your existing and potential customers have to communicate with your brand. It works on the theory that customers are […]

5 good reasons to have an emergency fund

5 good reasons to have an emergency fund Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads When it’s a challenge to pay your basic expenses from month to month, it can seem impossible to set aside money for emergencies that may never happen. But you need only look at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on […]

What are source documents…and why does my business need them?

What are source documents…and why does my business need them? Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads In a financial transaction, it’s all about the paper trail.  As a small business owner, whenever you conduct a transaction—even something minor like purchasing a box of pens for your business—the receipt for that transaction and any supporting […]

Automate to elevate your small business

Automate to elevate your small business Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads For many people, the word automation is just another way of saying “lost jobs.” An understandable reaction, considering that, over the years, large-scale automation has completely changed some industries by reducing the human part of the equation. However, on a lesser scale and in […]

Networking for the nervous

Networking for the nervous Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads No matter how much you love what you do, sometimes it’s tough to be a small business owner. You work hard, put in long hours and because you’re the boss, everyone looks to you for answers—even if you don’t have any answers to give. […]

6 ways to keep your staff happy and engaged on a small-business budget

6 ways to keep your staff happy and engaged on a small-business budget Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads When you own a small business, it can be tough to match larger employers when it comes to pay and benefits. So how can you retain your best employees in a competitive climate on a […]

Intriguing info bites for National Women’s Small Business Month

Intriguing info bites for National Women’s Small Business Month Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads Women are doing it all—including crushing it as business owners and leaders. So, in honor of National Women’s Small Business Month in October, we havesome fascinating factoids about women in business. There are nearly 13 million women-owned businesses in […]

Diagnose the health of your small business’s online presence

Diagnose the health of your small business’s online presence Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads Thanks to remote work and schooling, ordering curbside pickup for groceries and restaurant carryout, virtual medical visits, and more, online interaction has become a staple in our lives. As a result, it’s hard for a small business to thrive […]

How to unbreak your New Year’s resolutions

How to unbreak your New Year’s resolutions Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads In Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” Mrs. Potts, the housekeeper/teapot, sang about a tale as old as time. Here’s a tale that’s just as old, but in this case, it’s not about love. It’s about the making—and breaking—of New Year’s resolutions. […]

Diversity resources for small business owners

Diversity resources for small business owners Ethan Simpson February 16, 2024 Quick Reads Diversity—of customers, employees and vendors—isn’t just a consideration for large corporations. It’s an essential part of the future of small businesses, too.   By 2050, it’s projected that the Black population of the United States will grow by approximately 30%, the Hispanic population by 60% […]